
Impact of Silver Zones on Elderly Pedestrian Car Crashes Cases, Injuries and Mortality in Seoul, South Korea

Cho, Heeyoung / Kim, Joeun

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dc.contributor.authorCho, Heeyoung-
dc.contributor.authorKim, Joeun-
dc.description.abstractPedestrian-vehicle crashes have been a leading cause of non-disease-related hospitalization, disability, and mortality among the elderly across the globe. Despite this, interventions addressing elderly pedestrian-vehicle crashes have received limited attention. This study examines the association between the Silver Zone program, a government initiative to enhance road safety for elderly pedestrians, and elderly pedestrians' safety outcomes in Seoul, South Korea. Using longitudinal data from multiple government sources spanning 2007 to 2022, we analyzed within-district changes in the number of crashes, severe injuries, and fatalities following Silver Zone installations across dong-districts. The findings reveal significant reductions in pedestrian crashes and severe injuries among the elderly in districts with additional Silver Zones, though outcomes varied by gender. Female elderly pedestrians experienced substantial safety improvements, while results for male pedestrians were mixed. The study underscores the importance of tailored safety measures for elderly pedestrians and calls for further research to explore more gender-specific responses to these interventions.-
dc.publisherKDI School of Public Policy and Management-
dc.relation.isPartOfSeriesKDIS Working Paper 25-01-
dc.subjectCar Crash-
dc.subjectElderly Pedestrian-
dc.subjectSilver Zone-
dc.subjectRandom Effect-
dc.titleImpact of Silver Zones on Elderly Pedestrian Car Crashes Cases, Injuries and Mortality in Seoul, South Korea-
dc.typeWorking Paper-
dc.contributor.affiliatedAuthorKim, Joeun-
dc.type.docTypeWorking Paper-
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