From authority to approachability
evidence from change of police uniform in Pakistan
This paper estimates the effect of changes in police uniforms on the use of police services in Pakistan. The transformation from traditional khaki trousers and a black shirt to a new design and color was significant, as the old uniform was thought to underscore a colonial legacy that negatively impacted public trust and created a sense of fear among the masses. I exploit large-scale surveys and a time- and location-varying intervention design to document its effect. I find that the use of police services has increased by 3.67 percent; however, satisfaction with the service and users’ experiences have not changed. The mechanism behind these findings is a change in perception towards the police department rather than operational or structural changes. This suggests that, on the surface, visual identity can influence peoples’ perception of using police service; nonetheless, it may not necessarily enhance the quality or user satisfaction. These findings have important policy implications for policymakers aiming to improve community relations and the effectiveness of law enforcement in Pakistan.
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