
The Influence of the perceptions on legislative and executive branches on foreigner acceptance

KANG, Yeonwook

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dc.contributor.advisorCho, Yoon Cheong-
dc.contributor.authorKANG, Yeonwook-
dc.descriptionThesis(Master) -- KDI School: Master of Public Policy, 2024-
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this paper is to analyze the impact of societal perceptions of the legislative and executive branches on the acceptance of foreigners in South Korea. While there is currently a diverse immigrant population, the foreign population in Korea is traditionally composed of labor migrants and marriage immigrants from rural regions. This particular demographic benefits from government support, prompting an investigation into whether positive perceptions of the legislative and executive branches, which provide such benefits, also influence the receptivity towards foreigners. This study utilizes the Korea Social Integration Survey and conducts a regression analysis. The data reveals a significant positive correlation between increasing perceptions of fairness in the legislative branch and the acceptance of foreigners, suggesting that improving perceptions of fairness in the legislature could contribute to enhancing both legislative fairness and foreigners' perceptions. Ultimately, the results of this study indicate the necessity of efforts to improve perceptions of legislative fairness to enhance the immigrant acceptance attitudes of the population.-
dc.description.tableOfContentsI. Introduction II. Literature Review III. Hypotheses Development IV. Methodology V. Data Analysis Results VI. Conclusion and Policy Implications VII. References-
dc.format.extent54 p-
dc.publisherKDI School-
dc.subjectImmigrants--Political participation--Korea (South)-
dc.subject.LCSHKorea (South)--Politics and government-
dc.titleThe Influence of the perceptions on legislative and executive branches on foreigner acceptance-
dc.contributor.departmentKDI School, Master of Public Policy-
dc.description.statementOfResponsibilityYeonwook KANG-
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