A Research on energy saving measures by the type of water service provider
In order to prevent climate change caused by recent abnormal temperature phenomena, goals are being set to reduce greenhouse gases worldwide. Each country is also implementing various policies to reduce carbon. In the domestic water supply sector, a lot of effort is being made to reduce energy in line with this national policy stance. However, energy saving is not well achieved compared to other industrial sectors. This is because it is a water purification plant that produces 'water', which is an essential industrial material, so a stable water supply is the top priority. In addition, there are 161 local governments (water service providers) and K-water, a wide-area water supply service provider. Another reason is that water service providers has different conditions and energy consumption patterns. The purpose of this project is to first classify many business operators into 4~5 groups, and to present optimized energy saving measures for each group. 161 local governments were grouped by analyzing the correlation through data such as total cost and power source unit using water supply statistics (Ministry of Environment). The government and K-water have proposed various energy-saving policies, but each local government believes that a policy specific to the region is necessary because it was difficult to apply all of the uniform policies (manual). The purpose is to reexamine various measures such as the application of high-efficiency facilities, optimal operation of facilities, high-efficiency operation, and renewable energy development, which have been continuously promoted by energy saving, and to provide a tool for each local government (waterworks) to choose from while presenting optimal operation plans based on energy diagnosis at each workplace by applying EMS. Of course, the policies presented are just one example. It does not present the correct answer, and it is important to propose a policy proposal method for energy saving by individual local governments and to discover more efficient and practical energy saving policies through energy diagnosis by business operators in the future.
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