
Regulatory Reforms in the Age of Financial Consolidation: The Emerging Market Economy and Advanced Countries

Kim, Joon Kyung / Cho, Lee-Jay(Editor)

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dc.contributor.editorKim, Joon Kyung-
dc.contributor.editorCho, Lee-Jay-
dc.description.tableOfContentsPART I. LEGAL REFORMS OF FINANCIAL REGULATIONS: INTERNATIONAL EXPERIENCES Part I-1: Advanced Countries 1. Legal Reforms of Financial Regulations: Case of the United Kingdom  Historical Perspective   Labour Government Creates Single Financial Regulator  Increase in FSA’s Powers  The Key Legal and Operational Features of the FSA  The Future of Global Regulation  Conclusion  Appendix 2. An American Perspective on the UK Financial Services Authority: Politics, Goals, and Regulatory Intensity  Introduction  The Political Economy of Financial Reform  A Comparative Analysis of Regulatory Objectives  Intensity of Financial Regulation  Comments 3. Australia’s Regulatory Response to Financial Consolidation in the Context of Globalization  Introduction  Financial Consolidation in the Context of Globalization  History of Australia’s Regulatory Reform  Trends and Policy Directions  Conclusion 4. A Japanese Perspective on Regulatory Reform in the Financial Sector  Introduction  Japan’s Big Bang Reform  Political Economy in the Financial Reform in Japan  Current and Future Issues in Japan  The Japanese Model: Does It Exist?  Conclusion  Comments Part I-2: Emerging Market Economy 5. Consolidation of Financial Services Laws in Korea: An Interim Report  Introduction  Background of the Consolidated Law Project  Consolidating Various Financial Laws: Issues and Challenges  Financial Products, Financial Services, and Financial Businesses  Conclusion 6. Evolution of Korean Financial Regulations  Introduction  Hypothesis  Fitting to History  Conclusion: Challenges Ahead  Comments PART II. SUPERVISORY CHALLENGES UNDER A CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL SYSTEM Part II-1: Supervisory Responses to Financial Consolidation 7. Risks and Supervisory Challenges of Financial Conglomerates in Korea  Introduction  The Rise of Financial Conglomerates in Korea  Financial Consolidation and Changing Risks  Supervision of Financial Conglomerates in Korea  Policy Implications and Suggestions 8. Risk and Capital Regulations on SME Loans in Korea  Introduction  Features of the Korean Banking Industry  Empirical Analysis  Conclusion  Comments Part II-2: Supervisory Issues for Crisis Management 9. Regulation and Policy Response to Systemic Crises  Introduction  Endogenous Nature of Financial Risk  Emerging Market Currency Crises  1763 Crisis  A Formal Framework for the Analysis of Systemic Risk  Regulation and Policy Response  Concluding Remarks 10. Identification and Management of Systemic Risks: Macro and Micro Evidence in Korea  Introduction  Literature Survey on Systemic Crisis  Quantitative Identification of Systemic Crisis in Korea  Vulnerability of the Korean Economy to External Shocks  Summary and Conclusion  Appendix: Corporate Data Used 11. Financial Supervision and Crisis Management: U.S. Experience and Lessons for Emerging Market Economies  Introduction  Evolving Structure of Banking in the United States  Banking Crisis of the Late 1980s and Early 1990s  Postcrisis Developments  Lessons for Emerging Market Economies  Appendix 1: Major depository financial institution legislation  Appendix 2: Banking institutions and their regulators:  Comments PART III. MAJOR POLICY FINDINGS AND IMPLICATIONS Roundtable Discussion-
dc.publisherKorea Development Institute-
dc.titleRegulatory Reforms in the Age of Financial Consolidation: The Emerging Market Economy and Advanced Countries-
dc.contributor.affiliatedAuthorKim, Joon Kyung-
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