
Effects of Prenatal Exposure to Wildfires on Children's Height and Weight: Evidence from Russia

Wang, Shun

DC Field Value Language
dc.contributor.authorWang, Shun-
dc.description.abstractIn this paper, we investigate whether prenatal exposure to forest fires affects children’s health in Russia. We show that in-utero exposure to forest fires in the first trimester is associated with reductions in body height but not weight. More specifically, we find that an exposure to a standard-deviation increase in the area burned in the neighborhood in the first trimester reduces standardized height among children aged below 16 years old by about 0.03 standard deviations. We conduct a battery of robustness checks and yield similar results.-
dc.publisherKDI School of Public Policy and Management-
dc.relation.isPartOfSeriesKDIS Working Paper 23-06-
dc.titleEffects of Prenatal Exposure to Wildfires on Children's Height and Weight: Evidence from Russia-
dc.typeWorking Paper-
dc.contributor.affiliatedAuthorWang, Shun-
dc.type.docTypeWorking Paper-
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