
Developing innovation ecosystem in biomedical field by establishing organized physician-scientists nurturing system in Korea

RA, Sangwook

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In the post-corona era, Korea should strive to secure a new growth engine by creating an innovative ecosystem in the biomedical field and become a global first mover in biomedical technology. To this end, it is necessary to establish an organized physician-scientists training system, and to support growth as a leading independent researcher rather than simply participating in research. In addition, it is necessary to encourage doctors to participate in research by providing many benefits through institutional support, rather than for doctors to participate in research out of simple personal curiosity, and to increase the proportion of physician scientists in the long run. When looking at cases from other countries, the proportion of physician scientists in Korea is very low, and if many physician scientists are nurtured by benchmarking the cases of excellent physician scientists, it will be able to contribute to the development of biomedical technology in Korea.

The purpose of this study is to analyze the systematic method for nurturing physician scientists using AHP and to analyze the method for creating a hospital-centered innovative ecosystem. To this end, an AHP analysis model consisting of 13 detailed items and two areas of increasing incentives for research participation and supporting the growth of independent researchers was constructed.

Through this study, it was found that if the hospital provides an environment for research, such as reducing treatment hours and providing research facilities and space, participation in research increases. However, in the case of reduction of treatment hours, it is necessary to come up with a plan to compensate for the financial disadvantage of doctors.

In addition, institutional support is needed so that doctors can challenge start-ups to create a hospital-centered innovation ecosystem, and by establishing regional research-focused hospitals, the industry, academia, and research circles can collaborate with hospitals, and they should be linked to create a synergistic effect. Most of the existing major bio clusters in Korea have weaknesses in clinical trials and licensing. To solve this problem, it can be said that the participation of hospitals is essential.

Lee, Ju-Ho
KDI School, Master of Development Policy
Issue Date
KDI School
Thesis(Master) -- KDI School: Master of Development Policy, 2022
Medicine--Technological innovations--Vocational guidance; Physicians--Korea (South)
I. Introduction

II. Literature Review

III. Methodology

IV. Data Analysis

V. Discussion

VI. Conclusion
45 p
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