A Proposal on national reporting platform for SDGs
The United Nations set the framework of Sustainable Development Goals as Goals, Targets and Indicators to achieve the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development adopted by member countries. All stakeholders around the World try their best to achieve the Agenda, especially National Statistical Offices take a role related to the indicators by providing timely and accurate data to custodian agencies. To fulfil these requirements National Statistical Offices have considered setting up a National Reporting Platform and OpenSDG Platform is most widely using platform in the World. Anyone can access and reuse the source code of OpenSDG on GitHub, so many countries have their own National Reporting Platform originally from OpenSDG. The Republic of Korea also developed a National Reporting Platform by using the United Kingdom''s Platform. Although OpenSDG is well-made platform, there are some difficulties in adopting and maintaining the platform. As a proposal for the solution of the problems, ready-made software - Business Intelligence - is recommended. Because Business Intelligence or BI solution provide functions of data management, data visualization and collaboration, it has well-qualified for managing and reporting SDG indicators as an alternative of the OpenSDG platform. Sufficient consideration is needed for adopting BI solution as a National Reporting Platform in the future, and this report suggests a proposal as a trigger for further discussion in the future.
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