A Study on the renewal of the local water usage fee system in Korea
focused on improving the increasing block fee system
In this report, an improvement plan is proposed for the increasing block water usage fee system for households in consideration of recent socio-demographic changes, that is, the size of the number of members in each household and income level.
I would like to discuss the current status and problems of the household Increasing Block water usage fee system, which is a large part of the current local water usage fee system, and propose measures to improve management efficiency, such as improving the reliability of water usage fees and easing financial burdens of local governments through financial simulations and analyses.
As a result of the scenario analysis conducted in this report, it was found that there is a significant quantitative effect in terms of fee income and fee realization by adjusting the water usage level and unit price by stage. And through the improvement of the system suggested in this report, it is expected that the realization fee will be improved without a water usage fee increase, the fiscal income of local governments will increase, and the water usage fee equality for each household will be secured
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