Measuring ICT driven public sector innovation
The public sector has traditionally been viewed as a passive actor for innovations compared to the private sector. In recent years, however, public sector innovation has been increasingly recognized as a key facilitator to maintain a high-quality public services for businesses and citizens and not to mention, improving welfare and addressing environmental, societal and economic issues. ICT is recognized to be the driver for adding speed to this innovation, enabling efficient and effective digital environment and delivering public services in a simpler and more inclusive way. The study sought to examine various methodologies that may be useful in adapting to measure these ICT driven public sector innovations. Furthermore, against the call for internationally accepted measurement method, recomposed indicators under the 6 dimensions of OECD Digital Government Policy Framework (DGPF) have been proposed. Then, steps to adapt the standardized measurement to respective national context are elaborated, inducing a Common but Differentiated Measurement Method for ICT driven Public Sector Innovation. In the ever more connected world we live in, it is essential to comprehend the entire progress and potential of deploying ICT in the public service delivery sphere for enhanced governance capacity.
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