A Study on the development of sustainable water circulation city
The global trend of urbanization is increasing impervious urban land areas, resulting in distortion of hydrological water flow in cities. In addition, urbanization and population growth are leading to a sharp increase in water demand, while the climate change is reducing the stability of the water supply, causing water shortages.
To restore the soundness of water circulation and to implement sustainable urban water management, it is necessary to accurately identify problems of the urban water circulation system and evaluate its soundness. Urban water problems can also conflict with various stakeholders from various perspectives, such as water supply, urban planning, infrastructure, environment, and urban amenity. The urban water circulation system should be considered holistically, including not only natural water circulation but also artificial water circulation.
This study aims to develop a sustainable water circulation city model by considering complex and diverse urban water circulation factors as a whole. To do so, a number of urban water circulation factors and policies are examined through literature review and the case studies of Germany, the United States, and Australia. Various efforts, achievements, and limitations of urban water circulation policies in Korea are also investigated. Following the analysis, the paper proposes a differentiated water circulation city model for Korea, catering to its specific local contexts and conditions. Four issues are given particular attention: institutional issues, project planning issues, governance issues, and evaluation indicator issues. The outcome of this study is expected to contribute to the establishment and revitalization of the water circulation city in Korea.
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