
Racial and ethnic differences in housing demand: An econometric investigation

Megbolugbe, Isaac / Cho, Man


This article empirically investigates the sources of housing demand differences between racial (black and white) and ethnic (Hispanic and non-Hispanic) groups. We estimate the tenure-adjusted housing demand equations from the 1989 American Housing Survey (AHS) national sample data and measure the effects of different sources for demand disparities in housing demand, but much less so in explaining racial differences in housing demand. Specifically, 98% (96%) of the housing demand differences between Hispanic and non-Hispanic owners (renters) is due to differences in group endowments. For the racial groups, 29% (51%) of the housing demand differences between black and white owners (renters) is attributable to differences in group endowments. The residual differences explain 71% and 49% of the black-white differentials for owners and renters, respectively. The residual components in our model capture the effect of institutional and structural factors intrinsic to the housing market (such as racial discrimination or residential segregation) and/or the influence of important omitted or harder-to-measure variables correlated with race or ethnicity (such as wealth, employment history, credit history, and cultural differences in housing consumption). © 1996 Kluwer Academic Publishers.

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Kluwer Academic Publishers
Housing Demand; Tenure Choice; Racial Discrimination
Journal Title
Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics
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