
수자원(댐)부문사업의 예비타당성조사 표준지침 연구 (제3판)


DC Field Value Language
dc.description.tableOfContentsⅠ. Introduction  1. Background and Purpose of the Study  2. Contents and Scope of the Study  3. Scope and Types of Water Resource Sector Project  4. Choice of Alternative Plans  5. Overview of Pre-feasibility Study Implementation  6. Overseas Case Studies  7. Overview of Pre-feasibility Study II. Project Overview and Basic Data Analysis  1. Project Overview  2. Basic Data Analysis  3. Issues of the Study Ⅲ. Engineering Analysis  1. General Situation of Basin  2. Site Investigation  3. Hydrology Analysis  4. Plan for Water Demand and Supply  5. Plan for Flood Control  6. Plan for Hydroelectric Power Generation  7. Review of Dam Location·Type and Size  8. Layout Plan and Design of Major Structures Ⅳ. Economic Analysis  1. Economic Analysis Indicators  2. Benefit Estimation  3. Cost Estimation  4. Economic Analysis Configuration andSensitivity Analysis Ⅴ. Policy Analysis  1. Analysis of Impact on Regional Economy  2. Evaluation of Regional Underdevelopment to Analyze Balanced Regional Development  3. Evaluation of Possibility of Funding  4. Evaluation of Consistency with Relevant Plans and Policy Direction  5. Evaluation of Willingness and Preference for Project Implementation  6. Environmental Evaluation and Environmental Cost Estimation  7. Adequateness of the Broad District Distribution Plan  8. Evaluation of Project-Specific Items Ⅵ. Comprehensive Evaluation: Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) Technique  1. Need of Multi-Criteria Analysis  2. Procedures of AHP Analysis as Multi-Criteria Analysis  3. Improvement Tasks for Multi-Criteria Analysis Methodology-
dc.relation.isPartOfSeries2003년도 예비타당성조사 연구보고서-
dc.title수자원(댐)부문사업의 예비타당성조사 표준지침 연구 (제3판)-
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