
Solar Home Systems in Bangladesh

Meyer, Tim-Patrick

DC Field Value Language
dc.contributor.authorMeyer, Tim-Patrick-
dc.description.abstractThis case study examines a program of rural electrification in Bangladesh by means of solar home systems (SHS). Bangladesh ranks among the lowest in the world for population with access to electricity. In 2003, the Infrastructure Development Company Limited (IDCOL) launched the SHS program to provide cost-effective electricity to the rural population of Bangladesh. Using an ownership model, customers financed the purchase of SHS from partner organizations (POs). The POs install and maintain the systems, collect the loan payments, and recycle used batteries. The quality and installation of the SHS were monitored, as was the financial performance of the POs. The program has increased the rate of rural electrification to 40 percent. Issues remain for quality and proper installation of SHS systems and unauthorized recycling of used batteries.en_US
dc.format.extent16 p.-
dc.publisherKDI School of Public Policy and Management, Global Delivery Initiativeen_US
dc.titleSolar Home Systems in Bangladeshen_US
dc.subject.keywordInter and Intra-governmental Relations; Organizational Capacity; Skilled Human Resources; Unsupportive Legal and Regulatory Process; Budgetingen_US
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