
(2013) Modularization of Korea's development experience : the expropriation and compensation system in Korea

Choi, Soo / Kim, Seung Jong / Lee, Hyung Chan / Park, Joon / Ryu, Hae Woong(Author)

DC Field Value Language
dc.contributor.authorChoi, Soo-
dc.contributor.authorKim, Seung Jong-
dc.contributor.authorLee, Hyung Chan-
dc.contributor.authorPark, Joon-
dc.contributor.authorRyu, Hae Woong-
dc.description.tableOfContentsSummary Chapter 1 Objectives and Achievements of Expropriation and Compensation System 1. Objectives 2. Achievements Chapter 2 Backgrounds and Needs of Expropriation and Compensation System 1. Before the 1960s: Prior to the Introduction of Expropriation and Compensation 2. The 1960s and 1970s: Coping with the Needs of Public Facilities and Infrastructures 3. The 1980s and 1990s: Coping with the Needs of Industrial and Residential Site Development 4. The 2000s and Thereafter: Encouragement of New Town Development Chapter 3 Strategies and System of Expropriation and Compensation 1. Strategies 2. System and History Chapter 4 Contents and Current Condition of the Expropriation and Compensation System· 1. Contents 2. Current Condition of Compensation-
dc.format.extent122 p.-
dc.publisherKDI School of Public Policy and Management-
dc.relation.isPartOfSeries(KSP) Modularization of Korea's Development Experience ; v.2014-16-
dc.title(2013) Modularization of Korea's development experience : the expropriation and compensation system in Koreaen_US
dc.title.alternative2013 경제발전경험모듈화사업 : 한국의 수용 및 보상 제도-
dc.subject.keywordLand Development; Public investments-
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