
(2011) Modularization of Korea's development experience : development and operation of worker's compensation insurance scheme in South Korea

Kim, Jang Gi / Yoon, Jo Duk(Author)

DC Field Value Language
dc.contributor.authorKim, Jang Gi-
dc.contributor.authorYoon, Jo Duk-
dc.description.tableOfContentsSummary Chapter 1 Institutional Introduction of WCI Scheme in S. Korea: Background 1. Why Introduce the WCI Scheme? 2. Major Reasons for the Institutional Introduction of the WCI Scheme 3. How was the WCI Scheme Put into Practice? 4. Expected Benefits of the Institutional Introduction of the WCI Scheme Chapter 2 Institutional Implementation of WCI Scheme: Organizational System&Funding Method 1. Organizational System for Implementing the WCI Scheme 2. How to Raise the WCI Fund for Implementing the WCI Scheme Chapter 3 WCI Practices in S. Korea: Development Experiences 1. History of Institutional Reform 2. Institutional Reforms&Development Experiences Chapter 4 Relevant Laws and Amendments 1. Amendments to Relevant Laws 2. Changes in WCI Operation Framework 3. WCI Budget Management Chapter 5 Performance Evaluation&Applicability 1. Performance Evaluation 2. Recommendations on Applicability to Other Countries Chapter 6 Conclusion References Appendix-
dc.format.extent93 p.-
dc.publisherKDI School of Public Policy and Management-
dc.relation.isPartOfSeries(KSP) Modularization of Korea's Development Experience ; v.2011-29-
dc.title(2011) Modularization of Korea's development experience : development and operation of worker's compensation insurance scheme in South Koreaen_US
dc.title.alternative2011 경제발전경험모듈화사업 : 산재보험제도의 구축과 운영-
dc.subject.keywordHuman Resources-
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