
Redesigning Ethiopia's TVET Strategies and Policies

Paik, Sung Joon

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dc.contributor.authorPaik, Sung Joon-
dc.description.tableOfContentsChapter 1 Redesigning Ethiopia’s TVET Strategies and Policies Summary 1. Introduction 2. Policy Context of Ethiopia 3. TVET System and Strategies of Ethiopia 4. Korea’s Experience 5. Policy Recommendations References Chapter 2 Organizational Capacity Diagnosis and Strategy Development of Holeta Polytechnic College in Ethiopia Summary 1. Introduction 2. Background Analysis 3. Capacity Diagnosis of Holeta Polytechnic College 4. Korea’s Experiences in Strengthening the Quality of TVET 5. Policy Recommendations References Appendix Chapter 3 Strategic Plan for Establishing of Ethiopian National TVET Research Institute Summary 1. Introduction 2. Rationale for Introducing a TVET Research Institute in Ethiopia 3. Analysis of Ethiopian Situation 4. Korean Experience 5. Policy Recommendations References Appendix Chapter 4 Policy Recommendations for Enhancing the Human Capital Index (HCI) in Rwanda Summary 1. Introduction 2. Review of the Rwandan Education System 3. Status of Schooling in Rwanda 4. Status of Learning Outcomes in Rwanda 5. Successful Primary School Case Study 6. Korean Case Analysis 7. Implications for Enhancing HCI in Rwanda References-
dc.publisherKDI School of Public Policy and Management-
dc.relation.isPartOfNational HRD Strategy to Support the Economic and Social Transformation of PASET Member Countries with Focus on Ethiopia and Rwanda-
dc.relation.isPartOfSeries2019/20 KSP Policy Consultation Report-
dc.titleRedesigning Ethiopia's TVET Strategies and Policiesen_US
dc.typeBook chapteren_US
dc.identifier.bibliographicCitationpp. 33-102-
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