
(2014) Modularization of Korea's development experience : Korean public toilet improvement experience and its implications

Han, Baran / Choi, Seulki(Author)

DC Field Value Language
dc.contributor.authorHan, Baran-
dc.contributor.authorChoi, Seulki-
dc.description.tableOfContentsSummary Chapter 1 Introduction Chapter 2 Performance Measurement 1. Setting up Indicators; 5A+1 2. Measurement of 5A+1 Indicators of Korean Public Toilets Chapter 3 Public Toilet Improvement in the 1980s 1. Background 2. Driving Strategy and Systems 3. Details and the Situations of the Drive Chapter 4 Public Toilet Improvement from the late 1990s to the early 2000s 1. Background 2. Driving Strategy and Systems 3. Details and the Situations of the Drive Chapter 5 Public Toilet Improvement from the late 2000s to the Present 1. Background 2. Driving Strategy and Systems 3. Details and the Situations of the Drive Chapter 6 Success Factors Analysis 1. Public Toilet Improvement Policies as a Part of the Preparation for Large-scale International Events 2. Efficient Role of the Central Government 3. Beautiful Toilet and Changes Focusing on Providers 4. Leadership Chapter 7 Implications References Appendices-
dc.format.extent115 p.-
dc.publisherKDI School of Public Policy and Management-
dc.relation.isPartOfSeries(KSP) Modularization of Korea's Development Experience ; 2014-05-
dc.title(2014) Modularization of Korea's development experience : Korean public toilet improvement experience and its implicationsen_US
dc.title.alternative2014 경제발전경험모듈화사업 : 한국의 공중 화장실 개선 경험 및 시사점-
dc.subject.keywordHealth Policy; Public buildings - Restrooms-
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