
(2013) Modularization of Korea's development experience : development of the emergency medical services system

2013 경제발전경험모듈화사업 : 응급의료체계구축 프로그램

Sir, Won-Seok(Author)

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Issue Date
KDI School of Public Policy and Management
Health Policy; Public investments

Chapter 1 Development of an Emergency Medical Services System: Purpose, Objectives and Achievements

1. Evaluation of Achievement by Program

2. Achievements by EMS System Development Phase

Chapter 2 Background and Rationale of Constructing an EMS System

1. State Prior to Implementation of the EMS System

2. Historical Summary of the EMS

3. Decision-making Process behind the EMS System

4. EMS Systems in Developed Countries

Chapter 3 Strategies for Developing the EMS System

1. Key Strategies for Developing the EMS System

2. Methods for Financially Supporting Policy Implementation

Chapter 4 Details and Progress of the Emergency Medical Services System

1. Development of a Pre-hospital EMS System

2. Development of a Hospital Emergency Care System

2. Development of a Hospital Emergency Care System

Chapter 5 Analysis of Success and Failure Factors of Establishing the Emergency Medical Services System

1. Success Factors of the Emergency Healthcare System

2. Improvements Needed in the Emergency Healthcare System

3. International Comparison Analysis of EMS Development

Chapter 6 Implications for Developing Countries

1. International Norms on Emergency Medical Service (EMS) Systems

2. Experience of Establishing Emergency Medical Services (EMS) in Korea: Implications and Applicability

3. Establishing EMS Governance and System

157 p.
Series Title
(KSP) Modularization of Korea's Development Experience ; v.2014-10
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