
(2014) Modularization of Korea's development experience : Good Agricultural Practices(GAP) for agricultural food safety management

2014 경제발전경험모듈화사업 : 농식품 안전관리를 위한 농산물우수관리인증(GAP) 제도

Yoon, Yohan / Lee, Heeyonung / Lee, Soomin / Kim, Sejeong / Gwak, Eunji / Lee, Jeeyeon / Ha, Jimyeong / Pyun, Junghoon(Author)

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KDI School of Public Policy and Management
Agricultural Policy; Food - Safety measures; Agricultural systems - Korea

Chapter 1 Evaluation of the Target and Performance of the GAP System for Agri-food Safety Management in Korea

1. Evaluation of Performance against the Objectives at the Time

2. Contributions of GAP to the Domestic Economy and Social Development

3. Expected Effects of GAP System Introduction

Chapter 2 Background and Need for GAP System for Agri-food Safety Management

1. Domestic Situation and External Environment of GAP System Early Stages

2. Main Reasons and Bases for GAP System Introduction

3. Overseas Cases of GAP System Introductions

Chapter 3 Promotional Strategies and System Analysis of GAP System for Agri-food Safety Management

1. Performed Strategies for Establishing the GAP System

2. Funding for GAP System Promotion

Chapter 4 Details and Promotion Status Surveys of GAP System

1. Main Contents of GAP System

2. Establishment of Organization for Instilling and Stabilizing the GAP System

3. Policies and Major Functional Changes of the Authority According to Time Flows and Domestic/Overseas GAP System Environments

Chapter 5 Analysis of Success (Failure) Factors after the Introduction of the GAP System for Agri-food Safety Management

1. Initial Lackluster Introduction of the GAP System

2. Success or Failure Elements since the Introduction of the GAP System

3. Comparing the Experiences of other Countries’ Introduction of GAP System

Chapter 6 Implications of the Introduction of GAP System for the Safety Management of Agri-food

1. Lessons Drawn from Analyzing the Korea GAP System from the International Viewpoint

2. Applicability of the Korean GAP System to Other Developing Countries

Series Title
(KSP) Modularization of Korea's Development Experience ; 2014-13
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