
(2013) Modularization of Korea's development experience : ICT human resource development policy

2013 경제발전경험모듈화사업 : ICT 인력양성

Ko, Sangwon / Kang, Hayun(Author)

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KDI School of Public Policy and Management
Administration_ICT; Public investments
Acronyms and Glossary


Chapter 1 Objectives and Achievements

1. Definition of ICT Human Resources

2. Objective and Achievements of ICT HRD Policy

Chapter 2 Background and Importance

1. The Importance of ICT Human Resource

2. Domestic and Foreign Circumstances at the Time of Introduction

Chapter 3 Strategy and System

1. Strategy for Policy Making and Implementation

2. Funding for Policy Implementation

Chapter 4 Specifics of Policies

1. Policies of ICT Infrastructure Building Period (1997~2000)

2. ICT HRD Policy of Quantitative Expansion Period (2001~2003)

3. ICT HRD Policy in Horizontal Linkage Strengthening Period (2004~2007)

4. ICT HRD Policy in ICT Professional Skills Deepening Period (2008~Present)

Chapter 5 Evaluation of Success Factors

1. Success Factors of ICT HRD Policy

2. Case of Software Skills Nurturing Policy: Half Success

Chapter 6 Implications for Developing Countries

1. Align ICT HRD Policy with Industrial Policy

2. Develop Statistical Indicators and Provide Forecast for ICT Labor Market and Qualifications

3. Design and Implement Short-term and Long-term Policies to Respond to Skills Mismatch

4. Promote Balanced Development of Basic, Applied and Professional ICT Skills

5. Be Flexible and Build a Virtuous Cycle for ICT Human Resources Development

119 p.
Series Title
(KSP) Modularization of Korea's Development Experience ; v.2014-5
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