(2011) Modularization of Korea's development experience : a safeguarding system for cultural heritage in korea: focused on the activities of restoration, transmission and protection of designated cultural properties
2011 경제발전경험모듈화사업 : 한국의 문화재보호제도 : 문화재수리·전수교육·보호활동
Kim, Chang Gyoo / Choe, Jong Ho / Jeong, Yu Gyeong(Author)
- Issue Date
- 2012
- Publisher
- KDI School of Public Policy and Management
- Keywords
- Administration_ICT; Cultural property - Protection; Historic preservation
- Contents
- Summary
Chapter 1 Introduction
1. Value of Protecting Cultural Properties
2. Legitimacy and Limitation of Government Regulation for Safeguarding Cultural Properties
3. Development and Properties of the Korean Safeguarding System
Chapter 2 Overview of the Safeguarding System
1. Concept and Types of Cultural Properties
2. Cultural Properties Policies
3. Legal and Regulatory System for the Cultural Properties
4. Administrative Organization for the Cultural Properties
5. Financial System for the Cultural Properties
Chapter 3 Qualification System for the Restoration Engineer of Cultural Properties
1. Background of the Qualification System for the Restoration Engineer of Cultural Properties
2. Development Process of the Qualification System for the Restoration Engineer of Cultural Properties
3. Role and Evaluation of the Qualification System for the Restoration Engineer of Cultural Properties
4. Suggestive Points of the Qualification System for the Restoration Engineer of Cultural Properties
Chapter 4 Transmission System for Intangible Cultural Property
1. Background of Transmission System for Intangible Cultural Properties
2. Development Process of the Transmission System for Intangible Cultural Property
3. Role and Evaluation of the Transmission System for Intangible Cultural Property
4. Suggestive Points of the System
Chapter 5 One Heritage, One Keeper Campaign
1. Background of the Introduction of the Campaign
2. Development Process of the One Heritage One Keeper campaign
3. Role and Evaluation of the One Heritage, One Keeper Campaign
4. Suggestive Points of the One Heritage, One Keeper Campaign
Chapter 6 Conclusion
- Pages
- 157 p.
- Series Title
- (KSP) Modularization of Korea's Development Experience ; v.2011-6
- https://archives.kdischool.ac.kr/handle/11125/42018
- 9788993695731
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