
(2012) Modularization of Korea's development experience : deposit insurance system in Korea

Kang, Moon-Soo(Author)

DC Field Value Language
dc.contributor.authorKang, Moon-Soo-
dc.description.tableOfContentsSummary Chapter 1 Introduction  1. Financial Deregulation and Financial Opening  2. Deposit Insurance System  3. Financial Safety Net and Deposit Insuranc Chapter 2 Korea Deposit Insurance Corporation (KDIC)  1. Background Establishment of KDIC  2. Establishment of Korea Deposit Insurance Corporation (KDIC)1  3. Consolidation of Deposit Insurance Institutions  4. Major Business Areas of KDIC  5. Evolution of Deposit Insurance System  6. Assessment of Korean Deposit Insurance System Chapter 3 Financial Crisis and the Role of Deposit Insurance System  1. Financial Crisis of 1997  2. Resolution of the Financial Crisis and Financial Restructuring  3. Financial Crisis and the KDIC Chapter 4 Management of Deposit Insurance Funds  1. Original Deposit Insurance Fund  2. Deposit Insurance Fund Bond Redemption Fund  3. New Deposit Insurance Fund  4. Special Account of DIF Chapter 5 Assessment and Policy Implications  1. Adoption of Explicit Deposit Insurance System  2. Korean Deposit Insurance Scheme and Contributions  3. International Comparison of Financial Restructuring  4. Policy Implications to Developing Countries References-
dc.format.extent155 p.-
dc.publisherKDI School of Public Policy and Management-
dc.relation.isPartOfSeries(KSP) Modularization of Korea's Development Experience ; v.2013-13-
dc.title(2012) Modularization of Korea's development experience : deposit insurance system in Koreaen_US
dc.title.alternative2012 경제발전경험모듈화사업 : 예금보험제도-
dc.subject.keywordEconomic Policy; Public investments-
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