
(2012) Modularization of Korea's development experience : foreign capital in economic development: Korean experiences and policies

2012 경제발전경험모듈화사업 : 외자도입 운용경험

Lee, Jinsoo(Author)

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KDI School of Public Policy and Management
Economic Policy; Public investments
Chapter 1 Introduction

1. Objective of the Report

2. Overview of the Role of Foreign Capital in the Development of the Korean Economy

Chapter 2 Korea’s Outward-looking Development Strategy and Foreign Capital (1962~1979)

1. The Adoption of Korea’s Outward-looking Development Strategy and the Role of Foreign Capital in the 1960s and 1970s

2. The Establishment of Foreign Capital Management System (1962~1965)

3. The Development of Export-led Economic System and Foreign Capital (1966~1979)

Chapter 3 The Liberalization of Korean Capital Markets and Financial Crisis (1980~1997)

1. Overview of the Korean Economy in the 1980s and 1990s

2. Foreign Debt Crisis in the Early 1980s

3. Foreign Capital Inflows into Korea (1980~1997)

4. Decline in Public and Commercial Loans during the 1980s and 1990s

5. Foreign Direct Investments in the 1980s and 1990s

6. Foreign Securities Investments in the 1980s and 1990s

7. Foreign Debt and Financial Crisis in the Late 1990s

Chapter 4 The Overcome of Financial Crisis and Further Liberalization of Korean Capital Markets (1998~present)

1. Liberalization of Korean Capital Markets after the Financial Crisis

2. Prudential Regulation on Foreign Exchange Risk

3. Volatilities of Foreign Capital Flows in the Recent Period

4. Cash Flows Management Since the Global Financial Crisis

Chapter 5 The Lessons Learned from the Korean Experiences in the Management of Foreign Capital for Developing Countries

1. The Establishment of Effective Foreign Capital Management System in Government

2. The Maintenance of the Export Sector’s International Competitiveness

3. The Transition from Government-led Growth Strategy to Market-led Growth Strategy

4. Prudential Regulation on Foreign Exchange Risk and Cash Flows Management
122 p.
Series Title
(KSP) Modularization of Korea's Development Experience ; v.2013-5
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