Child health and education in developing countries
This dissertation studies the effect of livelihoods skills upgrading program, community nutrition projects, education law on child’s educational attainment and nutritional status in developing countries such as Myanmar, Ghana and Viet Nam.
Chapter one studies the livelihoods skills upgrading program which was implemented in 2012 across three agri-ecological zones of rural areas Myanmar and data collected in 2011, 2013 and 2015. In this study, we estimate the impacts of livelihoods skills upgrading program on child schooling (middle school, high school and university school), household poverty and monthly income in the program villages relative to the control villages. We find that the program strongly increases the probability of middle school level attended by 14.2 percent and high school level attended by 19.8 percent. And, no evidence of its impact on university school level attended across 2013 and 2015. However, the program has no impact on household poverty and their monthly income across 2011 and 2013, and 2011 and 2015 respectively.
Chapter two examines the effects of community nutrition projects-Spring Ghana on malnutrition in Ghana. The project objective was to reduce chronic malnutrition (stunting) within 1,000 days of a child, from conception to 2 years after birth by 20 percent. Using the 2011 and 2017 Ghana Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (GMIC) dataset and employing the difference-in-difference strategy, we show a strong positive association of the project effect on the probability of stunting and underweight by 9 percentage points. However, we find no evidence of the project effect on acute malnutrition. Our results show the effectiveness of community nutrition projects on child health in Ghana.
Chapter three analyzes the impact of mother education on child health, child mortality and infant mortality by exploiting an exogeneous variation the law on primary school completion in 1991 in Viet Nam. Estimating the impact of maternal education on child health nutritional outcomes is employing the simple comparison of mother year of birth in 1979 and 1980, and mother birth cohorts 1980 and above till 1985, which is exploited from the Law on Universal Primary Education (LUPE). Our results show that primary school completion of mothers have no significant impact on child health outcomes: low height for age (stunting), low weight for age (underweight) and low weight for height (acute malnutrition), child mortality and infant mortality rates. In the simple comparison of mother birth cohorts in 1979 and 1980, primary school completion of mothers has an insignificant negative relationship with stunting and underweight while others have an insignificant positive relationship. Overall, it finds a negative relationship on child health outcomes. Specifically, competing primary schooling level (grade 2) of mother who were born in 1983 have significantly reduction on low height for age by 6.5 percentage points.
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