
The Fourth Industrial Revolution and the Future of Work: Implications for Asian Development Cooperation

Anthea Mulakala / Sabina Dewan / Zothan Mawii / Saowaruj Rattanakhamfu / Randeep Sudan / Zhou Taidong / Xue Qi / Benjamin Lokshin / Artemy Izmestiev / Julie Adiwal / Hur Jai-Joon(Author)

DC Field Value Language
dc.contributor.authorAnthea Mulakala-
dc.contributor.authorSabina Dewan-
dc.contributor.authorZothan Mawii-
dc.contributor.authorSaowaruj Rattanakhamfu-
dc.contributor.authorRandeep Sudan-
dc.contributor.authorZhou Taidong-
dc.contributor.authorXue Qi-
dc.contributor.authorBenjamin Lokshin-
dc.contributor.authorArtemy Izmestiev-
dc.contributor.authorJulie Adiwal-
dc.contributor.authorHur Jai-Joon-
dc.description.tableOfContentsPreface and Acknowledgements Author Profiles Abbreviations Tables and Figures Introduction Which Future of Work Will Asia Create? / Anthea Mulakala Chapter 1 Harnessing the Potential of ASEAN’s Digital Transformation Through Regional Cooperation / Sabina Dewan Chapter 2 Digital Fluency Needed to Increase Women’s Access to Jobs in Asia / Zothan Mawii Chapter 3 Upgrading the Thai Workforce for “Industry 4.0” Through Strategic Education and Training Partnerships and Emulation / Saowaruj Rattanakhamfu Chapter 4 Southeast Asian Perspectives on Preparing for the Future of Work / Randeep Sudan Chapter 5 The Digital Silk Road and Southeast Asian Countries / Zhou Taidong and Xue Qi Chapter 6 The Role of APEC in the Asia-Pacific Region’s Fourth Industrial Revolution / Benjamin Lokshin Chapter 7 Addressing Future of Work Challenges through Development Cooperation / Artemy Izmestiev and Julie Adiwal Chapter 8 The Changing Nature of Work and Its Implications for Development Cooperation / Jai-Joon Hur Conclusion / Anthea Mulakala-
dc.titleThe Fourth Industrial Revolution and the Future of Work: Implications for Asian Development Cooperationen_US
dc.citation.publisherKDI School of Public Policy and Management, The Asia Foundation-
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