Fostering youth entrepreneurial intentions in Uzbekistan
It is believed that the entrepreneurial activity starts with a thought in mind, which
further can transform into intention to become an entrepreneur/self-employed. There are
three major antecedents that positively influence intentions: perceived attitude, subjective
norm and perceived behavioral control. Much empirical research work has been conducted
to see how they influence entrepreneurial intentions of high-school students, the university
students with different profiles and cultural backgrounds, as well as nascent entrepreneurs.
However, not a single study used young people in general to test the impact of these factors
to their entrepreneurial intentions. Therefore, this paper will focus on how the given
determinants influence entrepreneurial intention of the youth in Uzbekistan. To test the
relationships factor analysis, regression analysis, t-testing and ANOVA were used. The
results have illustrated little predictability of perceived attitude and perceived behavioral
control, and absence of relationship of subjective norm with regard to intention. The
outcomes of this work have theoretical and policy implications in fostering youth entrepreneurial intentions.
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