
The Rise of China and Its Impact on Asia: South Korea's Economic Relations with China

Chun, Hong Tack(Author)

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dc.contributor.authorChun, Hong Tack-
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this paper is to analyze economic relations between South Korea and China to determine which view of China is more appropriate: China as a competitor or as a partner of economic cooperation for South Korea. We would also like to provide prospects based on economic analysis for future relations between the two countries. Political aspects of relations between South Korea and China will be briefly examined as well to complement economic analysis. (※서문에서 발췌한 내용임)-
dc.description.tableOfContentsⅠ. Introduction Ⅱ. Overview of South Korea's Economic Relations with China Ⅲ. Analysis of South Korea's Economic Relations with China Ⅳ. Political Aspects of Relations between South Korean and China Ⅴ. Prospect for Economic Relations between South Korea and China-
dc.publisherKorea Development Institute-
dc.titleThe Rise of China and Its Impact on Asia: South Korea's Economic Relations with China-
dc.contributor.affiliatedAuthorChun, Hong Tack-
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