
2016/17 Knowledge Sharing Program with Uzbekistan: Enhancing Key Policy Development in Uzbekistan: APA’s Education, Public Health Care, and Macroeconomic Analysis


Park, Hun Joo(Editor)

DC Field Value Language
dc.contributor.editorPark, Hun Joo-
dc.description.tableOfContents2016/17 KSP with Uzbekistan Executive Summary Chapter 1 Towards Upgrading the Role and Place of the Academy of Public Administration  Summary  1. Introduction  2. The Current State of the Academy of Public Administration and Its Reform Efforts  3. Lessons from the Korean Experiences and Their Implications  4. Drawing on the KDI School Case  5. Some Policy Suggestions for Upgrading the Role and Place of the APA  References  Appendix Chapter 2 Development of a Strategy on Improvement Mechanism of Financing, Reasoning from Cost Standards for Single Treated Case and Ensuring the Guaranteed State-owned Package of Health Care Services in Public Medical Institutions of the Republic of Uzbekistan  Summary  1. Introduction  2. Toward a New Financing Mechanism through Cost Standards for Single-treated Case  3. Strategy on Ensuring the Health Care Services in Public Medical Institutions  4. Conclusion  References Chapter 3 Enhancing Macroeconomic Analysis Capacity and Improving the Efficiency of Economic Policy: An Illustration of Energy Efficiency Policy  Summary  1. Introduction  2. Korea’s Experience on Macroeconomic Analysis Framework  3. Current Status of Macroeconomic Modeling at IFMR and Developing an Uzbekistan  4. Macroeconomic Impact of the Energy Efficiency Policy  5. Conclusion  References  Appendix-
dc.publisherMinistry of Strategy and Finance-
dc.relation.isPartOf2016/17 Knowledge Sharing Program with Uzbekistan: Enhancing Key Policy Development in Uzbekistan: APA’s Education, Public Health Care, and Macroeconomic Analysis-
dc.contributor.affiliatedAuthorPark, Hun Joo-
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