An Assessment of the World Vision's holistic approach to children's well-being in Uganda
Many aid donors have been exploring various approaches in order to eradicate poverty and help poor children effectively. As an effort to achieve this objective, the holistic approach and integrated program has been adapted to development programs since 1990s. This study takes a close look at Kachonga Area development program in Uganda which has been implementing integrated programs to see the effects of the holistic approach.
Secondary data were reviewed and key informant Interviews were carried out to find how programs were integrated one another and what impact the holistic approach brought. From this study, we obtained two main findings. Firstly, when projects are integrated, they bring synergy so as to achieve an overarching program goal. In the process, communities would be engaged and empowered. The fruits of a development program can be sustained through the empowerment of communities. Therefore pursuing a holistic approach is on the right track to achieve the mission of development programs.
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