Exploratory study on research framework of green aid effectiveness focusing on low carbon green growth
Monitoring and evaluation of green aid requires well-defined framework, strong criteria and a set of indicators. It also requires good understanding of determinants of aid effectiveness, careful and complete analysis of aid and its environmental impacts. However, lack of framework is a big challenge and green aid effectiveness has not been proved yet, further discussion and research is necessary. This study discusses the entire process of green aid monitoring and evaluation in a comprehensive manner including approach, the measurement framework, and data collection as well as indicators. This study mainly aims to: (1) review previous discussion about green aid and development; (2) discuss what should be developed to enhancing green aid effectiveness; and (3) suggest a research framework for measurement. This is an exploratory study starts from recognizing the limitation at the current situation. Therefore, main objective is opening the possibility of further discussion rather than providing a complete framework.
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