A Study on export of agriculture products in LAO people democratic republic
Laos' government has identified export of agriculture as a one of the priority sector. The purpose of this paper are to examined the role of agricultural exports in economic development, to study the opportunities and challenge the Laos agriculture sector have to face in term of export, and to suggest some policy implications drawn from the research results.
The study shows agriculture export is play a critical role in economic development of the country; promoting exports is a better ways to help economic growth faster. Lao PDR is one of poorest countries in Southeast Asia who emphasize to boost its exports since it inception.
The share of Lao's export has strong advocate from agriculture sector both in term of value added commodities and primary. The government plays an important role in providing investment in infrastructure and agricultural research to make sure that farm productivity can be improved continuously. However, to maintain agricultural sector growth rates and achieve good welfare and equity impacts with this growth still an important issue for management and policy makers.
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