
개인•가구단위 소득 추이 비교분석과 빈곤정책에 대한 함의


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dc.description.abstractThe distribution of employment among households is gaining importance in social policy. If every household had one employed person, the distribution of earnings among households would be similar with the distribution of earnings among employed individuals. However, it has become common that households vary in the number of employed persons these days. Also, if raising employment tends to benefit poor workless households only partially, poverty reduction tools should be redesigned in the way that the distribution of household income is effectively changed. Changing employment distribution could be a powerful way to make social policy more pro-poor, considering that employment access is an important dimension for the household income and jobs are not evenly distributed, This study examines the impact of employment patterns within and across households, household composition and structure and their implication in terms of poverty reduction. Results demonstrate that the extent of overlap between low pay and poverty is found to be more limited than generally be expected. Increasing importance of household labor market attachment for alleviating poverty suggests the need to expand the active labor market policy.-
dc.description.tableOfContents발간사 요 약 제1장 연구배경 제2장 관련 연구 동향  제1절 개념적 층위  제2절 저임금과 빈곤  제3절 취업자 분포 변화와 빈곤  제4절 인구구조 변화와 빈곤 제3장 실증분석  제1절 데이터  제2절 임금격차와 빈곤율 추이  제3절 빈곤과 노동시장: 저임금근로자와 취업자의 가구 간 분포  제4절 신규 고용창출과 빈곤  제5절 인구고령화와 빈곤율 추이  제6절 빈곤가구 소득 변화의 구성  제7절 빈곤정책과 노동시장정책의 포괄 대상과 범위 제4장 결론 참고문헌 부 록 ABSTRACT-
dc.relation.isPartOfSeriesKDI 정책연구시리즈 2015-12-
dc.title개인•가구단위 소득 추이 비교분석과 빈곤정책에 대한 함의-
dc.title.alternativeIncreasing gap between low pay and household poverty and its implications in anti-poverty policy-
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