
하도급거래의 공정성 제고를 위한 제도개선 과제

이수일 / 이호준(Author)

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제1장 서론 및 문제제기

제2장 하도급거래에 대한 정부개입의 적절성 논의
 제1절 하도급거래 개선과 관련한 정책 개괄
 제2절 불공정거래 관행 개선정책의 적절성
 제3절 수급사업자 경쟁력 제고정책의 적절성
 제4절 소 결

제3장 하도급거래구조와 수급사업자의 경영성과에 관한 실증분석
 제1절 원사업자와 수급사업자의 경영성과 비교
 제2절 하도급거래구조와 수급사업자의 경영성과

제4장 하도급거래의 공정성 제고를 위한 제도개선방안
 제1절 현행 제도의 실효성
 제2절 제도개선방안

제5장 논의의

부 록

Issue Date
According to recent business performance analyses in Korea, the difference of managerial performance between small upstream firms and large downstream firms has expanded since 1990s. The polarization problem between upstream firms and downstream firms has become one of the major issues in these days in Korea, as the problem may deepen the polarization problem of labor market which is closely related to excessive educational competition. Also, in the long term, the polarization problem possibly aggravates a low fertility ratio in Korea as it may increase educational expenses for a child.

For these reasons, Korean government has tried to fix the problem between upstream and downstream firms by various policy methods. However, there are still strong controversies over the justification of government intervention on the contracts between private parties. There also exists skeptical view about the effectiveness of the government policies.

In this research, we study the main characteristics of subcontracting in Korea and analyze the justifiability and effectiveness of the government policies aiming at addressing the polarization problem between small upstream firms and large downstream firms. First, we conduct an empirical study to examine Policy Issues for Fair Subcontract Suil Lee and Hojun Lee

the main characteristics of the polarization problem using the Korea Enterprise Data (KED) merged with our survey data on firms who are involved in subcontracting with large downstream firms. In the study, we try to figure out which factors of the relationship mitigate or exacerbate the polarization problems.

Secondly, we review major policies related to the problem and examine the justifiability and effectiveness of those policies. We show that the current (or currently being prepared) government policies are appropriate from the viewpoint of traditional government roles as long as they are well oriented along with the purpose of the policies. But when it comes to the effectiveness aspect, we find that the current policies have severe problems in their effectiveness mainly because those policies do not fully reflect a remarkable gap between small upstream firms and large downstream firms in the trade position.
Series Title
KDI 정책연구시리즈 2012-09
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