
Research in Public Policy Analysis and Management, Volume 18,: The Many Faces of Public Management Reform in Asia-Pacific Region

Do leadership and management for results matter? A case study of local e-government performance in South Korea

Kim, Soonhee(Author)

DC Field Value Language
dc.contributor.authorKim, Soonhee-
dc.description.abstractGovernment service delivery is undergoing change as a result of innovations in information technology (IT). Scholars and practitioners have paid attention to electronic-government (e-government) as a strategic tool for delivering services through the Internet and thus enhancing service quality, as well as streamlining internal operations (Council for Excellence in Government [CEG], 2000; Center for Technology in Government, 1999; Ho, 2002; Norris & Moon, 2005; West, 2004). Many local governments have also initiated e-government development and taken advantage of internet-based applications to facilitate community development and communication with constituents (Benjamin, 2001; Modesitt, 2002), as well as to provide online application services (Ho, 2002; Norris & Moon, 2005). E-government brings with it the potential for greater cost-efficiency, enhanced citizen involvement, improved service quality, and increased transparency. Although e-government has the potential to provide many benefits, little research has been conducted on e-government performance and the influence of public management on e-government performance in local government.-
dc.publisherEmerald Group Publishing Limited-
dc.relation.isPartOfResearch in Public Policy Analysis and Management, Volume 18,: The Many Faces of Public Management Reform in Asia-Pacific Region-
dc.titleDo leadership and management for results matter? A case study of local e-government performance in South Korea-
dc.contributor.affiliatedAuthorKim, Soonhee-
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