
2013 Modularization of Korea’s Development Experience: The Development of Vocational High Schools in Korea during the Industrialization Period

Lee, Ju Ho / Hong, Song Chang(Author)

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dc.contributor.authorLee, Ju Ho-
dc.contributor.authorHong, Song Chang-
dc.description.tableOfContentsSummary Chapter 1 Introduction Chapter 2 Overview of Vocational Education in Korea 1. Supply of Skilled Workers and Vocational Education 2. Industrial Policy and Vocational High School 3. New Challenges and Positive Changes in Vocational Education Chapter 3 National Strategies for Strengthening Vocational Education 1. Centralized Planning Strategy 2. Strategy for Industry-Education Cooperation 3. Effective Financial Strategy Chapter 4 Key Policies in Vocational Education by Periods 1. 1960s  1.1. Manpower Plan as an Important Part of Economic Plan  1.2. Foundation of Vocational Education 2. 1970s  2.1. Twin Policies to Promote Heavy and Chemical Industries: Industrial Policy and Vocational Education Policy  2.2. Specialization Initiatives for Technical High Schools 3. 1980s  3.1. A Shift in Education Policy During the Economic Stabilization  3.2. Restructuring of Vocational Education Chapter 5 Conclusion·-
dc.publisherMinistry of Education-
dc.title2013 Modularization of Korea’s Development Experience: The Development of Vocational High Schools in Korea during the Industrialization Period-
dc.contributor.affiliatedAuthorLee, Ju Ho-
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