
Efficiency of Korean Education: Myth and Mission

Woo, Cheonsik / Lee, Ju Ho(Author)

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dc.contributor.authorWoo, Cheonsik-
dc.contributor.authorLee, Ju Ho-
dc.description.abstractIn this paper, we address such two contrasting aspects of Korean education mentioned above: 'state-of-art' profile in enrollments and test scores, and sub-standard, quite deplorable state of education epitomized by the longstanding 'exam-hell' and 'Gua-Woi'. Our major objectives are threefold: 1) to deliver a balanced and integrated picture about the real, current state of Korea`s education; 2) to clarify the nature and ultimate sources of aforementioned Korean educational ills, and 3) to suggest what policy measures are needed to get over those formidable problems. (※서문에서 발췌한 내용임)-
dc.description.tableOfContentsⅠ. Introduction Ⅱ. Process of Educational Expansion and Development  1. From Liberation to the 1950s  2. 1960s  3. 1970s  4. 1980s and onwards Ⅲ. Quantity, Quality, and Costs  1. Quantity  2. Quality  3. Costs Ⅳ. Regulation and Incentives  1. Universities  2. Secondary Schools  3. Teachers  4. Central and Local Governments Ⅴ. Educational Reforms  1. 1995 Reform  2. Future Prospects-
dc.publisherKorea Development Institute-
dc.relation.isPartOfSeriesKDI Working Paper 9906-
dc.titleEfficiency of Korean Education: Myth and Mission-
dc.contributor.affiliatedAuthorLee, Ju Ho-
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