
Higher Education, Productivity Revelation and Performance Pay Jobs

Baek, Jisun / Park, WooRam

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dc.contributor.authorBaek, Jisun-
dc.contributor.authorPark, WooRam-
dc.description.abstractThis paper examines the impact of college education on workers’ subsequent careers, based on a direct role of college graduation on the revelation of workers’ individual ability. Using NLSY79, we document a positive relationship between ability and signaling behavior for high school graduates and a non-positive relationship for college graduates. Moreover, we show active job mobility for high ability high school graduates. We argue that these patterns are the result of post-schooling signaling of high school graduates whose individual ability, unlike college graduates, is not observed in the beginning of their careers.-
dc.publisherKDI School of Public Policy and Management-
dc.relation.isPartOfSeriesKDI School Working Paper 15-13-
dc.subjectproductivity revealing-
dc.subjectoff-the-job training-
dc.subjectperformance pay jobs-
dc.subjectjob mobility-
dc.subjectcollege education-
dc.titleHigher Education, Productivity Revelation and Performance Pay Jobs-
dc.typeWorking Paper-
dc.type.docTypeWorking Paper-
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