
KDI Journal of Economic Policy926

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Issue Date in Descending order): 101 to 120 of 926

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Issue Date Type Title
2017 - The Public-Private Partnerships and the Fiscal Soundness of Local Governments in Korea

Lee, HoJun

2016 - Korea's Participation in Global Value Chains: Measures and Implications

Chung, Sunghoon, 정, 성훈

Publisher : KDI
2016 - Household Debt and Consumer Spending in Korea: Evidence from Household Data

KIM, Young Il, Hwang, Min

2016 - How Large are Local Human Capital Spillovers?: Evidence from Korea

박, 우람

Publisher : 한국개발연구원
2016 - CEO to the Rescue: Residential Proximity of Private Firm CEOs and the Evolution of Corporate Profitability

KIM, WooJin, Yang, Dong-Ryung

2016 - Conflict in the Shadow of Conflict

방, 세훈, 김, 재수

2016 - CEO Compensation and Concurrent Executive Employment of Outside Directors: A Panel Data Analysis of S&P 1500 firms

KIM, Young-Chul, Song, SuJin

2016 - Autonomy, Incentives, and School Performance: Evidence from the 2009 Autonomous Private High School Policy in Korea

Park, YoonSoo

2016 - Misallocation and Manufacturing TFP in Korea

Oh, JiYoon

2016 - Household Over-indebtedness and Financial Vulnerability in Korea: Evidence from Credit Bureau Data

KIM, Young Il, KIM, HyoungChan, Yoo, JooHee

2016 - The Effects of Financial Support Policies on Corporate Decisions by SMEs

Nam, ChangWoo

2016 - Inference and Forecasting Based on the Phillips Curve

Kun Ho, Kim, Suna, Park

2016 - Private Equity as an Alternative Corporate Restructuring Scheme

KOO, Jahyun

Publisher : Korea Development Institute
2016 - The Interaction between China, Japan, and Korea in the Export Market

JUNG, Kyu-Chul

Publisher : Korea Development Institute
2016 - The Impact of Government Support of Graduate Schools on the Research Productivity of Professors and Students

KIM, Jin-Yeong

2016 - A Signaling Theory of Education under the Presence of Career Concerns

Hwang, SunJoo

2016 Article Student Academic Performance, Dropout Decisions and Loan Defaults: Evidence from the Government College Loan Program


2016 Article Effects of a Universal Childcare Subsidy on Mothers’ Time Allocation


2016 Article Effect of the Introduction of High-speed Trains on Consumer Welfare


2016 Article How Competitive and Stable is the Commercial Banking Industry in China after Bank Reforms?


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