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Issue Date Type Title
2005 Book Chapter Restructuring the Role of the National Housing Fund and Policy Recommendations

Kim, Hyeon Wook

Book : International Conference of Korea Development Institute Residential Welfare and Housing Policies: The Experience and Future of KoreaPublisher : Korea Development Institute
2005 Book Chapter Looking for Evidence of Relationship Lending in Korea: Competitiveness in Local Banks’ in SME Loan Market

Kim, Hyeon Wook, Chang-Gyun Park

Book : The 2005 KDI-KAEA Conference on “Korea’s Corporate Environment and Sustainable Development Strategy”Publisher : Korea Development Institute
2005 Book 금융산업의 자본규제와 은행대출의 경기순응성에 관한 연구: 신바젤협약(Basel II) 도입의 영향을 중심으로

김현욱, 이항용

Publisher : 한국개발연구원
2005 Book Chapter 외국자본의 은행산업 진입 확대에 대한 이해와 규제


Book : 기업경영권에 대한 연구: 실증분석과 제도정비방안을 중심으로Publisher : 한국개발연구원


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