Results 31-40 of 78 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).
Issue Date | Type | Title |
2005 | Conference | An Empirical Analysis on the Business Ethics of Korean Managers Conference Name : 제20회 일한국제학술회의(第20回日韓国際学術会議·ツソポヅウム): Cross-Strait Relation and the Korean Peninsula: Prospects for the East Asian CommunityPlace : JA |
2004 | Conference | Health Insurance Type and the Quality of Primary Care by Income Level Conference Name : 2004 한국 보건경제•정책학회 후반기 학술대회 연제집Place : KO |
2005 | Conference | 환율변동이 국내 거시 경제에 미치는 영향 Conference Name : 2005 경제학 공동학술대회Place : KO |
2004 | Conference | Properties of the Wholesale Electricity Market Mechanism in Korea Conference Name : Electricity Restructuring: International Experiences and Lessons for KoreaPlace : KO |
2005 | Conference | North Korea, Change or to be Changed? Conference Name : Korea-US Next Generation Forum for Future StrategiesPlace : US |
2004 | Conference | Utilization of Home Healthcare Service by Medicare Beneficiaries, 1996-2000, Conference Name : 2004 한국 보건경제•정책학회 후반기 학술대회 연제집Place : KO |
2004 | Conference | Measuring Status Orientations: Scale Development and Validation in the Context of a Transitional Economy Conference Name : 2004 ACR Asia Pacific Conference ProgramPlace : US |
2004 | Conference | Racial Difference in Prescription Drug Expenditures among Medicare Only and Dual Eligibles, 1996-2000 Conference Name : AcademyHealth 2004 Annual Research MeetingPlace : US |
2004 | Conference | From Growth-mediated Welfare toward a Welfare State?: The Politics and Economics of Changing Social Policy in South Korea Conference Name : 10th Annual Conference on Social PolicyPlace : MX |
2004 | Conference | Macroeconomic Impacts of a Revaluation of the Chinese Yuan on South Korea Conference Name : EXCHANGE RATE REGIMES IN EAST ASIAPlace : RE |