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Issue Date Type Title
2008 Conference Efficient Minimum and Maximum Wages

Hahm, Sang Moon

Conference Name : 2014 APPAM International Conference: The Decline of the Middle Classes Around the World?Place : US
2004 Conference Korean Deposit Insurance Fund: Some Risk Management Issues

Hahm, Sang Moon

Conference Name : A Joint Conference on Managing Fiscal Risks and Realigning the Sectoral Allocation of SpendingPlace : KO
2004 Conference A Stable Currency Regime for East Asia?

Hahm, Sang Moon

Conference Name : Exchange Rate Regimes in East AsiaPlace : RE
2004 Conference Uncovered Interest Parity and policy Reactions: A case of Korea, Japanese, and the U.S.

Hahm, Sang Moon

Conference Name : Economic Relations between the U.S., Japan, and East AsiaPlace : US
2002 Conference Transmission of Stock Returns between the U.S. and Korea

Hahm, Sang Moon

Conference Name : 2002년도 정기학술대회: 전환기 한국경제의 주요과제Place : KO
2003 Conference Transmission of Stock Returns and Volatility: the Case of Korea


Conference Name : 2003년도 제1차 정기학술발표회Place : KO


Date issued

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