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Issue Date Type Title
2007 Conference The Implications of the Rise of Northeast Asia for Regional Cooperation and Korea's Place in It

Park, Hun Joo

Conference Name : 2007 KPSA International Conference: The Rise of Asia and Its Future: Global, Regional and National ImplicationsPlace : KO
2007 Conference Some Consequences of the Financial Crisis and Reforms on Korean Dirigisme and Democracy

Park, Hun Joo

Conference Name : KAIS International Conference: Whither East Asian Capitalism?: New Thinking about the Asian Financial CrisisPlace : KO
2004 Conference 21세기 지방의 국제화, 회고와 발전과제


Conference Name : 2004 지방의 국제화 포럼Place : KO
2002 Conference 세계화시대의 구조조정과 경제발전: 금융 및 대기업부문을 중심으로


Conference Name : 제8차 세종 국가전략 포럼: 21세기 도약을 위한 세계화전략Place : KO
2000 Conference After Dirigisme: Globalization, Democratization, and the Paternalistic State in Korea

Park, Hun Joo

Conference Name : 2000 Symposium: Development and the Nation State: Development and the Nation-State in the Crosscurrents of Globalization and DecentralizationPlace : US


Date issued

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