2012 |
Conference |
Analysis of Online Shopping Comparison Sites: Effects of Price Comparison Site Information, Online Shoppers’ Price Consciousness and Product Type on Price and Value Perceptions Jung, Kwon, Cho, Yoon Cheong, Lee, Sun Conference Name : 2012 Global Marketing Conference at SeoulPlace : KO |
2005 |
Conference |
Cross-Gender Brand Extensions: Effects of Gender of Brand, Gender of Consumer, and Product Type on Evaluation of Cross-Gender Extensions Jung, Kwon, Lee, Winston Conference Name : ASSOCIATION FOR CONSUMER RESEARCH 2005 ACR NORTH AMERICAN CONFERENCE PROGRAM "FOR CONSUMERS: STEPS TOWARD TRANSFORMATIVE CONSUMER RESEARCH"Place : US |
2004 |
Conference |
Religion, Religiosity, and Values: Implications for Consumer Behavior Kahle, Lynn R., Kau, Ah-Keng, Tambyah, Siok Kuan, Tan, Soo-Jiuan, Jung, Kwon Conference Name : The 2005 La Londe ConferencePlace : FR |
2004 |
Conference |
Measuring Status Orientations: Scale Development and Validation in the Context of a Transitional Economy Nguyen, Thi Tuyet Mai, Jung, Kwon, Tambyah, Siok Kuan Conference Name : 2004 ACR Asia Pacific Conference ProgramPlace : US |
2003 |
Conference |
Culture's Influence on Consumer Behavior: Differences in Ethnic Groups in a Multiracial Asian Country Jung, Kwon, Kau, Ah Keng Conference Name : 2003 ACR North American Conference ProgramPlace : US |
2003 |
Conference |
Chinese Consumer's Evaluation of Hybrid Products: Effects of Decomposition, Brand, and Ethnocentrism Jung, Kwon, Kau, Ah Keng Conference Name : Advertising and Consumer PsychologyPlace : KO |
2002 |
Conference |
Factors Influencing Impulse Buying Behaviors in a Transitional Economy: An Exploratory Study of Urban Consumers in Vietnam Mai, Nguyen Thi Tuyet, Jung, Kwon, Lantz, Garold, Loeb, Sandra Conference Name : 2002 ACR Conference SummaryPlace : US |
2002 |
Conference |
An Exploratory Investigation into Impulse Buying Behavior in a Transitional Economy: A Study of Urban Consumers in Vietnam Nguyen, Thi Tuyet Mai, Jung, Kwon, Lantz, Garold, Loeb, Sandra G. Conference Name : ACR Asia-Pacific ConferencePlace : US |
2002 |
Conference |
Values and Consumption Behaviors of Young Adults in Singapore Tambyah, Siok Kuan, Keng, Kau Ah, Jung, Kwon, Jiuan, Tan Soo Conference Name : ACR Asia-Pacific ConferencePlace : CC |
1997 |
Conference |
Consumer’s Susceptibility to Reference Group Influences in the USA and Singapore: A comparison between an Individualistic and a Collectivistic Culture Hsu, Chung-kue, Jung, Kwon Conference Name : Sixth Symposium on Cross-Cultural Consumer and Business StudiesPlace : US |