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Collection's Items (Sorted by Issue Date in Descending order): 521 to 540 of 1141

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Issue Date Type Title
2014 Thesis Impacts of bank lending and credit guarantee scheme on SMEs in Algeria


Awarded : 2014Department : KDI School, Master of Public Policy
2014 Thesis Export diversification and growth

HUSSIEN, Abdurahman Mohammed

Awarded : 2014Department : KDI School, Master of Public Policy
2014 Thesis Learning lessons from Korean policy for gender equality and empowerment, recommendation for Pakistan

MANGI, Sanaullah

Awarded : 2014Department : KDI School, Master of Public Policy
2014 Thesis Trade liberalization and total factor productivity relationship in Mozambique

CHEVEIA, Jaquelina Natal Calisto

Awarded : 2014Department : KDI School, Master of Public Policy
2014 Thesis Is SADC on the right path towards the monetary union? an empirical evidence of the degree of convergence of inflation and exchange rates


Awarded : 2014Department : KDI School, Master of Development Policy
2014 Thesis The Effectiveness of open government Indonesia(OGI) in improving the quality of the public service

ILMAN, Abdul Hadi

Awarded : 2014Department : KDI School, Master of Public Policy
2014 Thesis A Couple's affordability of child-bearing

Kim, Jeong Soo

Awarded : 2014Department : KDI School, Master of Development Policy
2014 Thesis Persistent authoritarianism in Persian Gulf monarchies


Awarded : 2014Department : KDI School, Master of Public Policy
2014 Thesis Income diversification and its effects on household consumption

PHAY, Sokcheng

Awarded : 2014Department : KDI School, Master of Development Policy
2014 Thesis Plant and animal based agriculture within environmental sustainability


Awarded : 2014Department : KDI School, Master of Public Policy
2014 Thesis The Entrepreneurial imperative for Korea

JOSHI, Manish

Awarded : 2014Department : KDI School, Master of Public Policy
2014 Thesis A Study on housing preferences of low-income tenant households in Shauri-Moyo, Nairobi Kenya


Awarded : 2014Department : KDI School, Master of Public Policy
2014 Thesis Impact of macroeconomic variables and USA quantitative easing to capital market

LUKAS, Elisabeth

Awarded : 2014Department : KDI School, Master of Development Policy
2014 Thesis Impact of salary peak system on job motivation, satisfaction and loyalty.

KIM, Ye Ji

Awarded : 2014Department : KDI School, Master of Development Policy
2014 Thesis The Effectiveness of multi-stakeholder's role on the implementation of solid waste management policy

DEWI, Novi Paramita

Awarded : 2014Department : KDI School, Master of Development Policy
2014 Thesis Infrastructure development focusing on effctive structuring public-private partnership.

PARK, Hyun Ji

Awarded : 2014Department : KDI School, Master of Public Policy
2014 Thesis The Effect of trade openness on female unemployment rates in developing countries


Awarded : 2014Department : KDI School, Master of Development Policy
2014 Thesis Indonesia in Austrailian White Papers

HIDAYAT, Yunikeiserina

Awarded : 2014Department : KDI School, Master of Public Policy
2014 Thesis Remittance income and expenditure on education in Nepal

GUPTA, Vishal

Awarded : 2014Department : KDI School, Master of Development Policy
2014 Thesis The Impact of ODA, FDI and remittance on living standards in developing countries

KACHIWALA, Chipo Godfrey

Awarded : 2014Department : KDI School, Master of Development Policy
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