
Influences on public sector employees' embrace of open government data

HWANG, Seula

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dc.contributor.advisorLee, Taejun-
dc.contributor.authorHWANG, Seula-
dc.descriptionIRP-Thesis(Master) -- KDI School: Master of Public Policy and Management, 2023-
dc.description.abstractThis study explores the strategic utilization of open government data as a pivotal resource for advancing data-based administration, which is a key mechanism for harnessing digital power. The research involved surveying 700 government and public sector employees and extending the UTAUT model byintegrating data and personal literacy, self-efficacy, innovativeness as precedents of user characteristics and abilities. The findings indicate that data literacy and self-efficacy boost anticipated job performance and reduce the effort necessary for data use, indirectly influencing the behavioral intention to use. However, personal innovativeness significantly impacts only performance expectations. The intention to adopt a behavior is strongly affected by the expected performance outcomes, the anticipated effort involved, and the degree of social influence.. Interestingly, no relationship is found between facilitating conditions, including expectations of organizational and technological support, and the behavioral intention to use. The research emphasizes the importance of systematically evaluating data literacy levels, strengthening weak competencies, and enhancing data competency training. Additionally, it advocates for encouraging data use and innovation in the public sector through organizational culture flexibility and cooperative activities with the private sector, ultimately stimulating data-based innovative actions at the societal level.-
dc.description.tableOfContentsChapter 1: Introduction Chapter 2: Literature Review and hypothesize Chapter 3: Research Methodology Chapter 4: Analysis Results Chapter 5: Conclusion-
dc.format.extent91 p-
dc.publisherKDI School-
dc.subjectCivil service--Korea (South)-
dc.subjectTransparency in government--Korea (South)-
dc.titleInfluences on public sector employees' embrace of open government data-
dc.title.alternativea step forward in data-based administration-
dc.contributor.departmentKDI School, Master of Public Policy and Management-
dc.type.DSpaceOutstanding master-
dc.description.statementOfResponsibilitySeula HWANG-
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