
A Comparative Study of ODA Strategies of South Korea and China: A Case of Knowledge Sharing Program (KSP)

Choi, Chang Yong / Kang, June Mi

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The Knowledge Sharing Program (KSP) gained global attention in the late 1990s when knowledge was increasingly recognized as an important element for successful, sustainable development. Accordingly, South Korea has utilized the KSP to further promote its development cooperation efforts by sharing the strategies from its development experience through the country’s Official Development Assistance (ODA). Given that the KSP has become the representative of South Korea’s ODA strategy, this paper first examines the theoretical basis for the KSP through the three different frameworks of international, development, and cooperation. After overviewing the suggested method of evaluation and assessment for the KSP, this paper compares and contrasts the South Korea’s ODA strategies with that of China. By surveying the case studies of African countries, this paper explores whether the traditional development ingredient of capital (K) may be replaced with the new element of knowledge (K) in the arena of international development cooperation. Results reveal that these two endowments are not substitutes but rather complementary and further cooperation between South Korea and China is recommended to have synergy in promoting sustainable development in developing countries.

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KDI School of Public Policy and Management
Knowledge Sharing Program; KSP; Official Development Assistance; ODA; South Korea; China; International Development Cooperation; Development Strategies; Evaluation
Series Title
KDI School Working Paper 15-11
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